Information on vacations in Pinarella
Information and booking service for your holidays in Pinarella: hotels, guesthouses, inns, cottages, town flats and campsites
We will help you to find an hotel in Pinarella: four- and three-star hotels and cheap guesthouses. We also offer town flats and cottages to stay in Pinarella all the year round.
You can find charming photos, the weather forecast and a list of all the events and shows you can join in the Province.
Pinarella is an enchanting sea oasis a short distance from Cervia. This small seaside resort developed independently from the nearby Cervia and Milano Marittima and today it is a popular tourist Mecca for families and groups.
Sport lovers can find modern equipments on the beach and gyms in the city centre and the lovers of nature can enjoy the wide pinewood forest situated behind the beach where they can walk, run or take some exercise along the "percorsi vita" (life paths). Children can enjoy the entertainment organized on the beach and young people can visit the glamorous discos and clubs situated on the beach.