Information on vacations in Casalborsetti
Information and booking service for your holidays in Casalborsetti: hotels, guesthouses, inns, cottages, town flats and campsites
We will help you to find an hotel in Casalborsetti: four-, three- and two-star hotels and cheap guesthouses. We also offer town flats and cottages to stay in Casalborsetti all the year round.
You can find charming photos and a list of all the events and shows you can join in the Province of Ravenna.
An ancient fishing village, the small city of Casalborsetti is the sea resort situated further north from Ravenna. The characteristic harbour divides the city into two different sections whose popularity is due to its modern equipped beaches.
The green pinewood forests are one of the main attractions in Casalborsetti which is the ideal destination for outdoor tourism. Casalborsetti offers campsites but also comfortable hotels belonging to different categories. Â